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Mizo woman in traditional attire 'kawrchei & puanchei'/ Mizo lady with cultural dress |
In continuation of earlier post in this blog the followings Mizo historical chronology are largely listed by Mizo historian B.Lalthangliana and to enrich the chronological list the blog owner (me) also added some events/years by using other sources:
1891AD: British colonial army capture control of the Mizoram (then Lushai Hills) area and merged it into Assam province.
1891 (13 Jan) AD: Mizo Chief (Lal) Kalkhama, Lianphunga and Thanghulha were sent to prison.
1891 AD: Welsh Missionary Rev. William Williams reached the then Lushai Hills (Mizoram), he was recognised as first Christian Missionay in Mizoram (Lushai Hills).
1892 (27-29 Jan) AD: Chin-Lushai Conference held at Fort William, Culcutta, the main reason of this conference is to merge all the Mizo tribes under one administrative umbrella but due to objection arose by Officers from Burma there meeting was concluded without success.
1892 (29 Feb - 12 April) AD: Lalvunga descendants fired army camp in Sesawng village under the guidance of Chief Lalburha.
1892 (16 March) AD: To protect their land Chief Vansanga and his allies fought against British army in Chhipphir village and capture back for almost one month.
1892 AD: British army extended Falam area.
1893 (Aug) AD: Chief Ropuiliani and her son Lalthuama arrested.
1893 (Aug) AD: Southern Chiefs agreed to follow British suzerainty.
1893- 1894 AD: British extended Mindat area.
1894 (11 Jan) AD: Rev. F.W. Savidge(Sap Upa) and Rev. J.H. Lorrain (Pu Buanga), commissioned by Arthington Aborigines Mission, reached Mizoram(Lushai Hills) and in the same year for the first time in Mizoram (Lushai Hills) they started school in McDonald Hill, Aizawl (Aijal).
1894 AD: British extended Halkha area.
1895 AD: Soutern and Nothern Mizoram (Lushai Hills) areas clapped together under one administrative set up. Tlabung (Demagiri) also included.
1895 (22 Oct) AD: Published first book in Mizo language 'Mizo Zir Tir Bu (A Lushai Primer).
1895 (Dec) AD: Mizo Chiefs in eastern area were subdued.
1895 AD: Missionaries reached Asho-Chin area.
1896 (15 March) AD: Rev.Arthur A.Carson and his wife Laura Hardin reached Halkha area.
1896 AD: Sgt.Maj A.G.E Mewland developed Halkha writings.
1896 AD: Burma and Manipur boundary finalised.
1897 (31 August) AD: Welsh Calvinistic Methodist's (later changed
Presbyterian Church of Wales) missionary David Evan Jones (Zosaphluia) set foot on
Mizoram and founded Presbyterian Church.
1898 AD: First Bible translation in Mizo language started and two Gospels - Luke & John were published in Mizo language.
1898 AD: First Mizo magazine/newspaper 'Mizo Chanchin Laisuih' was published.
1899 AD: Thlichhetleh kum (Great Cyclone)
1900 AD: Mizoram (Lushai Hills) and Chin Hills boundary finalised.
1900 AD: First School in Chin Hills was started at Halkha village.
1901 AD: First Census in Lushai Hills (Mizoram)
1902 AD: Whole village of Sethlun was converted into Christianity.
1903 AD (1 August): First school in rural area was established at Khandaih (Phullen) village.
1903 AD (1 August): First school in rural area was established at Khandaih (Phullen) village.
1904 (25 Jan) AD: First Baptist Church service started at Sethlun village under the guidance of Rev. F.W Savidge and Rev. J.H. Lorrain.
1907 AD: First Theological School started in Aizawl (Aijal).
1908 AD: First Middle School started in Mizoram (Lushai Hills)
1910 AD: Abolition of Slave (bawih) system in Lushai Hills (Mizoram)
1910 AD: Rev. Joseph Herbert Cope and his wife reached Tiddim and started writings in Kamhau (Tiddim) and Laizo (Falam).
1911 AD: Second Bamboo Famine [Mautam Vawi hnih (2) na]
1911 AD: First Issue of Kristian Tlangau published and Loch Printing Press (which was first Printing Press in Mizoram) launched in Mizoram (Lushai Hills).
1913 AD: First Mizo Pastor Chhuahkhama ordained.
1915 AD: Gospel Luke was published for the first time in Laizo language.
1916 (June) AD: First New Testament Bible (Thuthlungthar bu) published in Mizo language.
1917 (26 April) AD: Lt. Kawlkhuma (first Mizo officer commissioned in S.A) started Salvation Army ministry in Mizoram (Lushai Hills).
1925 AD: Roman Catholic Church started in Mizoram (Lushai Hills)
1929 AD: Minpui kum (Great landslide)
1930 AD: Second Thingtam Famine (Famine of Rawthing Bamboo) {Thintam vawi hnih (2) na}
1935 AD: Young Mizo Association founded.
1945 AD: First political pary in Mizoram 'Mizo Union Party' was founded.
1950 (15 Feb) AD: United Pentecostal Church (U.P.C) started in Mizoram.
1951 AD: Thalai Kristian Pawl (T.K.P) founded.
1952 AD: Created Mizo District Council and first election of Mizo District Council (MDC) held in Mizoram.
1953 (3 April) AD: Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru inaugurated Aizawl (Aijal) - Lunglei (Lungleh) road.
1954 AD: Discontinuation of Mizo Chiefs (Lal) and First election of Village Council (V.C)
1957 (25 January) AD: Second Election of Mizo District Council (MDC)
1958-1959 AD: Third Bamboo Famine [Mautam vawi thum (3) na]
1959 AD: First full Bible in Mizo language was published.
1961 AD: Mizo National Front Party founded.
1966 AD: Mizo National Front under the leadership of Mr. Laldenga declared independent from India Union.
1970 AD: Third election of Mizo District Council (MDC)
1972 AD: Union Territory of Mizoram was created out of Assam state.
1986 AD: Mizo National Front and Govt. of India signed peace accord
1987 (20 Feb) AD: Mizoram became the 23rd state of India Union.
1994 (11 Jan) AD: Mizoram celebrated Gospel Centenary
1996 AD: Mizoram government launched Mizoram Total Liquor Prohibition (MLTP) Act.
2001 (2 July) AD: Mizoram University founded.
2011 AD: Prof. R. Lalthantluanga became the first Mizo Vice Chancellor in Mizoram University.
2012 (20 Feb) AD: Mizoram attained 25th year of statehood in India union.
2013 (11 May) AD: Landslide in Laipuitlang, Aizawl killed more than 15 human lives.
2013 (May) AD: Mr. David Zohmangaiha (38) s/o K Zokhuma (L), Republic veng, Aizawl became the first Mizo Mt.Everest submitter.
1. B. Lalthangliana, India, Burma leh Bangladesh-a Mizo
Chanchin (History and Culture of Mizo in India, Burma and Bangladesh).
Published by Remkungi, Printed by RTM Press, Chhinga Veng, Aizawl,
Mizoram, First Edition, 2001, pp.xxx-xxxvi
3. Lalremruata Colney blog
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Bara Bazar, Aizawl Market, Dawrpui veng |
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Chawilung Village, Aizawl District |
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Typical Mizo House, Sialsuk village. |