Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Khuaikhampui / Khuaikham: A famous cliff in Sialsuk Village

Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
A precipice known as Khuaikham or  Khuamkhampui is located in the western end of Sialsuk village, Mizoram. It can be reach within 40 minutes walks either by following Sialsuk Primary Health Centre road or Thlanmual thar (New Graveyard) road. Sialsuk lui (river) is passing through this cliff  and for a visitor, following the river stream is easiest way to reach in this famous cliff. Before reaching this high cliff there is also a small cliff (local people called it as Khuaikhamte), to pass through this small cliff  there is a short cut route on the left side of the river. The river that pass through this main cliff forms a  beautiful waterfalls during rainy season. Beneath the cliff  (Khuaikham/Khuaikhampui) the river is flowing into Khuaikham lui (river). A small ledge on the top of this cliff can accommodate 10-20 persons at one time, from this ledge visitors can have breathtaking views of waterfalls and the depth of the Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham cliff. 

Being grown up in this village I often visited this cliff but I dare not to reach till the open cave which is existed down below the main ledge. I was told that during MNF insurgency this cave was used as hiding place by Mizo National Armies. During the time of  village Chieftaincy in Mizoram the Chief (s)  had a share of honey from the beehives found in the cliff of their jurisdiction which was known as Khuai chhiah (honey tax). In our village this tradition was followed too, anyone found and took honey from the beehives of this cliff must gave the Chief's share. Even when no one found the beehives the Chief (s) himself often organized  public search operation of beehives to this cliff. 
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram. Can you see a man standing over there?
Like I have said before, Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham is a well known high cliff in our village and no one dare to fall/climb down from the top. In our childhood days we often called out the name of this cliff for a promise keeper. Whenever we had arguments and debates with our friends our final decisions were drawn according to our willingness to fall or thrown down in this cliff if we were wrong on our stands or opinion. "Are you dare to jump down to Khuaikhampui if your opinion is incorrect?"  "If I am correct, will you  allow your toys be thrown away in Khuaikhampui in case you?" etc. were the popular questions we had often asked among ourselves in childhood days.  
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
I had a chance to visit this cliff in last December along with friend Mr. Ramhminga. Unlike we did in childhood days we went down to edge of the cliff from another route. As it was in winter season waterfall could not be seen and it almost dried up. But the advantage of visiting in winter was we can captured the real geological features of the cliff without having hinder from waterfalls. I was told that Republic Veng Adventure club members came to this cliff and measured the height of Khuaikhampui in few years back. I tried to get the exact figure of its height from them, but nobody from my village knew their contact numbers but at last i could manage to contact one member from Kulikawn Adventure Club who was participated along with Republic veng club. He himself does not know the exact figure but he gave me round figure. I had tried to get from another source through Sialsuk group in facebook, finally one member from our group left a comment with exact figure i.e. 220 ft. (67.056 mt.). But, this figure is not accepted by another person in my village,  he told me that he was with the Republic Adventure Club and the height of the cliff is around 120 ft. Anyway, the exact figure of the height of Khuaikhampui/Khuakham is not really known or properly measured, but I can assured that this cliff is a famous one in our village. Just like any other famous places in our village this cliff is also deeply linked with our childhood memories. Best season to visit is September-November.
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff, Sialsuk, Mizoram
Yellow spotted circle showing location of Khuaikhampui/Khuaikham Cliff Sialsuk (modified from google maps)

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